There are countless “firsts” when it comes to children. Firstborn, first steps, first word. Yet for all the firsts, there are just as many lasts. Last time I bounced him on my knee, last time I spoon-fed him, last time I picked him up. I find the “lasts” less momentous, unnoticeable even, but I want to remember them as just as pivotal.
When I was a kid, I would cry the night before my birthdays. Sad I was getting older, sad it was my last night to be this age. Even seven-year old me knew that childhood was fleeting. I’m realizing now that this sadness was an example of the anxiety I carried and my unhealthy propensity to hang on to the past.
Slowly but surely, I’m learning how to think about the past without dwelling and to enjoy the present without worrying about the future. With this balance in mind, I knew this photoshoot would be our last as a family of three. I wanted it to be a memento of how much joy we’ve had together and how much we’ve grown. It used to come from a place of sadness but now it comes from a place of appreciation…and excited anticipation for what’s to come.
Thank you, Viceth, for the beautiful photos!