

I've been trying to pick up a hobby. So naturally, I signed up for every class on Okay, maybe not every class...just five. The first one I attended was a soap-making class that was conveniently located a few blocks from where I live.

Dabble classes are perfect for an introvert like me. The class size is tiny, which means it feels personal and intimate. Most of the people in the class are introverts, usually around my age, and looking for a creative outlet.

I didn't realize how easy it is to make soap. Essentially, we combine a few oils, add some scents, and mix in lye. Then, you wait four to six weeks for the soap to cure. The lye part is the toughest and what deters most people from making their own soap, since lye is scary and burns and I am terrified of toxic chemicals. Fortunately, the instructor (who could not have been nicer) reassured us that we weren't using a lot of lye and showed us how to carefully mix the lye with the oils. Of course, the most fun part of making soap is choosing the scents. I went with peppermint and lavender, and threw in some chamomile tea leaves for texture.

What are some of your hobbies?