My Gym Escape


Whether I'm having a tough day or I've eaten two too many cookies, I always found solace at the gym. It's a place I can be alone with my own thoughts, be present with the task at hand, and focus on improving my physical self. I've also found working out to be a great escape when I'm feeling depressed or anxious.

I try to hit the gym at least 3-4 times a week. Even if I only have a half hour or 45 minutes to spare, I still find it's worth it to go. I'll start with 15-20 minutes of cardio (the Stairmaster is my buddy here), then I'll do some light weightlifting. I save the last 5-10 minutes for some planks and stretching.

After a few weeks, I found my routine of cardio + weights a bit boring. I've been mixing in a group class every now and then. Yoga sculpt, HIIT, and spin are a few of my favorites.
